Rooted Student Ministries @ 6:30 PM (gym) As Christ-followers, what is our mission? How do we accomplish this mission? Let's take a deep dive in our mission before God, and how here at Newburg FCOG we set out to accomplish it because this is MISSION POSSIBLE! Will you join us for our ten week series leading up to a Youth Sunday takeover (April 6) as we prepare our hearts, minds,spirit, and strength to align with God's mission and serve NFCOG! |
Women’s Bible Study @ 6:45 PM (lower level) Dwell on These Things, by sisters Natalie Abbott and Vera Schmitz will lead you through a study of Philippians 4:4-9 to teach you a simple method of memorizing God’s Word. As you fix these beloved verses in your mind through beautiful and powerful images, you’ll discover how to combat anxiety, experience the peace of God, and dwell on godly things. |
Jesus and Me (JAM) @ 7:00 PM (chapel)
Pre-K (2+) - 5th grades meet in the chapel behind the gym. Pre-register your child(ren) here. Contact Loni Dunlap with questions. |